Thursday, February 12, 2009



Monday, February 2, 2009

Kerala PGMEE February 2009 Questions and answers Discussion : Microbiology

Micro Q 1 : Regarding Sex Pilus which is true

a. Hollow tubular structure
b. Transfer of Plasmid DNA during conjugation
d. Bacteria remains in contact during conjugation

Q2: Malaria is which type of infection ?

a) Protozoal
b) Bacterial
c) Viral
d) Fungal

Q3 : Sedimentation co-efficient (Svedberg Units) of IgE ?

a) 7
b) 11
c) 19
d) ?

Answer both 8S and 11S components are there for IgE.

Q4 : All are exotic to India, except ?

a) Yellow Fever
d) KFD (Answer)

Q5 : KFD is prevalent in

a) Rainy seasons due to peak nymphal activity.
b) Rainy seasons due to peak adult hemophysalis activity.
c) December to June season due to peak nymphal activity.
d) December to June season due to peak adult hemophysalis activity.

Q6 : Adenovirus serotypes producing gastroenteritis ?
a) 34,35
c) 1,2,3,5,7 ... not sure of the numbers though !!

Q7 : Hair with black nodules....

a) Piedra hortae
b) Trichophyton

Q8. Babesiosis in RBCs shows
a) Ring forms
b) Gmetocytes
c) Both
d) Neither

Q9 : Egg hatching / opens up on contact with water is ?

a) Fasciolopsis
b) Opisthorchis
c) ?
d) Paragonimus

Q10. All are true regarding transmission of JE, except ?

c) Requires piggeries

Q11. Infection with no man to man transmission ?

a) Malaria
d) Japanese Encephalitis

Q12 : About bacteria which is true ?

b) Always haploid.

//** If you can provide more questions which I missed out will be very helpful. **//

Kerala PGMEE February 2009 Questions and answers Discussion : Pharmacology

Pharm 1 : Beta blockers produce which pharmacological effects ?

a. Decrases IOP.

Pharm 2 : Calcium Channel Blockers act on ?

a. Skeletal Muscle
b. Smooth Muscle
c. Both
d. Neither

Pharm 3 : Frusemide acts on :

a. Ascending Limb of loop of henle. ----------> Answer.

Q4 : Drug used in the treatment of bird flu is
a) Acyclovir
b) Amantidine
d) Oseltamivir.

Q5 : Drug used in the treatment of HIV-AIDS which acts by preventing the entry of HIV virus ?

a) Emtricitabine.
b) Tenofovir.
c) Enfuvirtide.
d) Saquinavir.

Q6 : For a drug wih Vd = 60Litres, it means,

a) the drug is sequestered in the extravascular compartment.
b) Drug is easily dialysable.

Q7 : All are true about Active transport, except ?

c) Does not require a carrier protein.
d) It is saturable.

Q9 : Most autonomic ganglia are ?

a) Adrenergic
b) Cholinergic

Q10 : Beta blocker with alpha blocking property ?

d) carvedilol -- the answer

Q11 : Beta blockers are indicated in the treatment of all except ?

a) Angina Pectoris.
d) Peripheral Vascular Disease. ... The answer.

//** If you have more question please add on as comment / send to**//

Sunday, February 1, 2009

Kerala PGMEE February 2009 Questions and answers Discussion : Physiology

Q NO : 1 Ion mostly concentrated intracellularly is

a. Na+
b. Ca2+
c. Mg2+
d. Cl-

Q No : 2 On acclimatizing to a new height the pH of the blood is maintained by

a. By retention of HCO3- by kidneys.
b. By excretion of HCO3-

Q3 : About oxygen - Hemoglobin interaction all are true except :

a. ? Hb bound with O2 is a strong base .. not sure of the choice
b. O2 binding depends upon the nature of globin chains in Hb.
c. Dissociation of OxyHb depends on HCO3- ions in blood
d. " " " on the pH of blood

Q4 : Regarding acid secretion which of the following is true

a. H+ is secreted by the Chief cells
b. Secreted in part by a number of H+pumps
c. CAI increases H+ ion secretion.
d. ?

Q5: Basophils secrete all except -

a) Histamine
b) Major Basic Protein (MBP)
c) Heparin
d) Bradykinin

Q6 : Amount of CHO on plasma membrane ?

a) 5 %
b) 10%
c) 15%

Q7 : If the alvelolar ventillation is halved, then PaCo2 will

a) doubled immediately
b) halved immediately
c) doubled over several minutes
d) halved over several minutes

Q8 : pO2 of air at atmospheric pressure (760mm Hg) is
a) 141 mm Hg
b) 160 mm Hg ... 760 x 21/100 ~ 160

Kerala PGMEE February 2009 Questions and answers Discussion


Que 3 : Main muscle for opposition of thumb ?

a. Abductor Pollicis Longus
b. Abductor Pollicis Brevis
c. Adductor Pollicis
d. Flexor Pollicis Brevis.

Question 4 :

Maximum blood supply is for ?

a. Metaphysis
b. Diaphysis
c. Epiphysis
d. Periosteum

Question 5 : Most prominent spine is for which vertebra?

a. C7 .... The answer imagine the other options..

Que 6 : Which of the following arteries does not take part in the arterial supply of medulla ?

a. Vertebral Artery
d. Spinal Artery.

Que 7 : Physiological hernia gets reduced itself by

a. 6th week
b. 9th week
c. 10th week
d. ? 11th / 13 th

Que 8 : Derivatives of Dorsal Mesogastrium include all except :

a. Lesser Omentum
b. Falciform Ligament
c. Coronary Ligament
d. Gastrosplenic Ligament

Que 9 : All are part of Glomerular Filtration Barrier except ,...............can be physiology also

a. Foot processes of podocytes
b. Endothelium
c. GBM
d. Mesangial Cells ... Answer

Que 10 : Trapezoid body is a part of .... (same old repeat)

Answer is Hearing / Auditory Pathway.

Que 11: Injury to Muller's muscle lead to

a. Ptosis
b. Lid lad
c. Orbital Fat prolapse.
d. Ectropion

Kerala PGMEE February 2009 Questions and answers Discussion

Anatomy Q 2:

All are true regarding Phrenic Nerve except..

a. It is a purely motor nerve
b. It arises briefly from C4
c. It arises from the lateral border of scalenus anterior.

I am not sure whether it is a purely motor nerve, since it has proprioceptory components.

Kerala PGMEE February 2009 Questions and answers Discussion


1. Question with a person 40 yr old with upper respiartory tract symptoms with kidney affection : Answer should be Wegener's

2. Follicular Lyphhoma A/E

Answer A : Translocation t(11,14) was given. It is for mantle cell lymphoma.

In follicular lymphoma it is t(14,18)

Other choices were

b. bcl2 positivity in (germinal centers) only
c. bcl6 gene rearrangements present.
d. CD5 positivity present.

Kerala PGMEE February 2009 Questions and answers Discussion


1. Which of the following is a saturated fatty acid?

a. Palmitic acid
b. Stearic Acid
c. Oleic acid
d. Myristic Acid

Question I clearly remember as 'Saturated Fatty acid'.

Q is a mistake. It should have been 'Unsaturated' and the answer then would be Oleic Acid.

(is a mono un saturated fatty acid)

Kerala PGMEE 2009 Questions and Answers Discussion

Please add Questions of 2009 February here...

1. Which of the following does not come in relation with sub-occipital triangle?

a. Occipital Artery
b. Vertebral Artery
c. Dorsal rami of the C1

Discussion : The skeleton of the suboccipital region

following structures form the background for the other structures in the region:
  • base of skull and superior nuchal line
  • posterior arch of the atlas (C1) and its tubercle and transverse process
  • spine and transverse process of the axis (C2)
The deepest structures in the suboccipital triangle are the 1st cervical nerve and the vertebral artery.

In the deep groove on the upper surface of the posterior arch of the atlas are the vertebral artery and the first cervical or suboccipital nerve.

The suboccipital triangle is a region of the neck bounded by the following three muscles:

It is covered by a layer of dense fibro-fatty tissue, situated beneath the Semispinalis capitis.

The floor is formed by the posterior occipito-atlantal membrane, and the posterior arch of the atlas.